Windows 10 SDK Önizleme Yapısı 18990 şimdi kullanılabilir!
Bugün, Windows 10 Insider Preview (Build 18990 veya üzeri) ile birlikte kullanılmak üzere SDK'nın yeni bir Windows 10 Önizleme Derlemesini yayınladık. Preview SDK Yapı 18990, hata düzeltmeleri ve API yüzey alanında geliştirme değişiklikleri içerir.
Önizleme SDK'sını indirebilirsiniz Windows Insider 'daki geliştirici bölümünden.
Bilinen sorunlarla ilgili geri bildirim ve güncellemeler için lütfen geliştirici forumuna bakın. Yeni geliştirici özelliği istekleri için Windows Platform UserVoice'umuza gidin.
Dikkat etmesi gerekenler:
- Bu yapı, daha önce piyasaya sürülen SDK'lar ve Visual Studio 2017 ve 2019 ile birlikte çalışır. Bu SDK'yı yükleyebilir ve windows 10 yapı 1903 veya önceki bir sürümünü hedefleyen uygulamalarınızı Microsoft Store'a göndermeye devam edebilirsiniz.
- Windows SDK artık yalnızca Visual Studio 2017 ve sonraki bir şirket tarafından resmi olarak desteklenecektir. Visual Studio 2019'a buradanindirebilirsiniz.
- Windows SDK'nın bu yapısı yalnızca Windows 10 Insider Preview yapılarına yüklenir.
- SDK'ya komut dosyası erişimine yardımcı olmak için, ISO'ya aşağıdaki statik URL üzerinden de erişebilecektir:
Araçlar Güncelleştirmeleri
İleti Derleyicisi (mc.exe)
- Şimdi .mc dosyalarında Unicode bayt sipariş işaretini (BOM) algılar. .mc dosyası utf-8 ürün reçetesi ile başlarsa, UTF-8 dosyası olarak okunur. Aksi takdirde, utf-16le ürün reçetesi ile başlarsa, utf-16le dosyası olarak okunur. -u parametresi belirtilmişse, UTF-16LE dosyası olarak okunur. Aksi takdirde, geçerli kod sayfası (CP_ACP) kullanılarak okunur.
- Artık mc tarafından oluşturulan C/C++ ETW yardımcılarında çakışan yapılandırma makrolarının neden olduğu tek tanımlı kural (ODR) sorunlarından kaçınır (örneğin, MCGEN_EVENTWRITETRANSFER çakışan tanımlarına sahip iki .cpp dosya aynı ikiliye bağlandığında, MC tarafından oluşturulan ETW yardımcıları artık birini veya diğerini seçmek yerine her .cpp dosyasındaki MCGEN_EVENTWRITETRANSFER tanımına saygı gösterecektir).
Windows İzleme Ön İşlemcisi (tracewpp.exe)
- Artık Unicode giriş (.ini, .tpl ve kaynak kodu) dosyalarını destekler. UTF-8 veya UTF-16 bayt sipariş işareti (BOM) ile başlayan giriş dosyaları Unicode olarak okunacak. Ürün reçetesiyle başlamayan giriş dosyaları geçerli kod sayfası (CP_ACP) kullanılarak okunacak. Geriye dönük uyumluluk için, -UnicodeIgnore komut satırı parametresi belirtilirse, UTF-16 ürün reçetesiyle başlayan dosyalar boş olarak kabul edilir.
- Artık Unicode çıktı (.tmh) dosyalarını destekler. Varsayılan olarak, çıktı dosyaları geçerli kod sayfası (CP_ACP) kullanılarak kodlanır. Unicode çıktı dosyaları oluşturmak için -cp:UTF-8 veya -cp:UTF-16 komut satırı parametrelerini kullanın.
- Davranış değişikliği: tracewpp artık tüm giriş metnini Unicode'a dönüştürür, Unicode'da işleme gerçekleştirir ve çıktı metnini belirtilen çıktı kodlamasına dönüştürür. Tracewpp'in önceki sürümleri Unicode dönüştürmelerini önledi ve tek baytlık bir karakter kümesi varsayarak metin işleme gerçekleştirdi. Bu, giriş dosyalarının geçerli kod sayfasına uymadığı durumlarda davranış değişikliklerine neden olabilir. Bunun bir sorun olduğu durumlarda, giriş dosyalarını UTF-8'e (ürün reçetesiyle) dönüştürmeyi ve/veya kodlama belirsizliğini önlemek için -cp:UTF-8 komut satırı parametresini kullanmayı düşünün.
- Now avoids one-definition-rule (ODR) problems caused by conflicting configuration macros (e.g. when two .cpp files with conflicting definitions of TLG_EVENT_WRITE_TRANSFER are linked into the same binary, the TraceLoggingProvider.h helpers will now respect the definition of TLG_EVENT_WRITE_TRANSFER in each .cpp file instead of arbitrarily picking one or the other).
- In C++ code, the TraceLoggingWrite macro has been updated to enable better code sharing between similar events using variadic templates.
Signing your apps with Device Guard Signing
- We are making it easier for you to sign your app. Device Guard signing is a Device Guard feature that is available in Microsoft Store for Business and Education. Signing allows enterprises to guarantee every app comes from a trusted source. Our goal is to make signing your MSIX package easier. Documentation on Device Guard Signing can be found here:
Breaking Changes
Removal of api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0.lib
In this release api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0.lib has been removed from the Windows SDK. Apps that were linking against api-ms-win-net-isolation-l1-1-0.lib can switch to OneCoreUAP.lib as a replacement.Removal of IRPROPS.LIB
In this release irprops.lib has been removed from the Windows SDK. Apps that were linking against irprops.lib can switch to bthprops.lib as a drop-in replacement.API Updates, Additions and Removals
The following APIs have been added to the platform since the release of Windows 10 SDK, version 1903, build 18362.Additions:
[code lang=”csharp”]namespace Windows.AI.MachineLearning {
public sealed class LearningModelSessionOptions {
bool CloseModelOnSessionCreation { get; set; }
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel {
public sealed class AppInfo {
public static AppInfo Current { get; }
Package Package { get; }
public static AppInfo GetFromAppUserModelId(string appUserModelId);
public static AppInfo GetFromAppUserModelIdForUser(User user, string appUserModelId);
public interface IAppInfoStatics
public sealed class Package {
StorageFolder EffectiveExternalLocation { get; }
string EffectiveExternalPath { get; }
string EffectivePath { get; }
string InstalledPath { get; }
bool IsStub { get; }
StorageFolder MachineExternalLocation { get; }
string MachineExternalPath { get; }
string MutablePath { get; }
StorageFolder UserExternalLocation { get; }
string UserExternalPath { get; }
IVectorView<AppListEntry> GetAppListEntries();
RandomAccessStreamReference GetLogoAsRandomAccessStreamReference(Size size);
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService {
public enum AppServiceConnectionStatus {
AuthenticationError = 8,
DisabledByPolicy = 10,
NetworkNotAvailable = 9,
WebServiceUnavailable = 11,
public enum AppServiceResponseStatus {
AppUnavailable = 6,
AuthenticationError = 7,
DisabledByPolicy = 9,
NetworkNotAvailable = 8,
WebServiceUnavailable = 10,
public enum StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus {
AuthenticationError = 11,
DisabledByPolicy = 13,
NetworkNotAvailable = 12,
WebServiceUnavailable = 14,
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Background {
public sealed class BackgroundTaskBuilder {
void SetTaskEntryPointClsid(Guid TaskEntryPoint);
public sealed class BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherTrigger : IBackgroundTrigger {
bool IncludeTransmitPowerLevel { get; set; }
bool IsAnonymous { get; set; }
IReference<short> PreferredTransmitPowerLevelInDBm { get; set; }
bool UseExtendedFormat { get; set; }
public sealed class BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherTrigger : IBackgroundTrigger {
bool AllowExtendedAdvertisements { get; set; }
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent {
public sealed class ActivationSignalDetectionConfiguration
public enum ActivationSignalDetectionTrainingDataFormat
public sealed class ActivationSignalDetector
public enum ActivationSignalDetectorKind
public enum ActivationSignalDetectorPowerState
public sealed class ConversationalAgentDetectorManager
public sealed class DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityChangedEventArgs
public enum DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityChangeKind
public sealed class DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityInfo
public enum DetectionConfigurationTrainingStatus
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer {
public sealed class DataPackage {
event TypedEventHandler<DataPackage, object> ShareCanceled;
namespace Windows.Devices.Bluetooth {
public sealed class BluetoothAdapter {
bool IsExtendedAdvertisingSupported { get; }
uint MaxAdvertisementDataLength { get; }
namespace Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Advertisement {
public sealed class BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisher {
bool IncludeTransmitPowerLevel { get; set; }
bool IsAnonymous { get; set; }
IReference<short> PreferredTransmitPowerLevelInDBm { get; set; }
bool UseExtendedAdvertisement { get; set; }
public sealed class BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherStatusChangedEventArgs {
IReference<short> SelectedTransmitPowerLevelInDBm { get; }
public sealed class BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs {
BluetoothAddressType BluetoothAddressType { get; }
bool IsAnonymous { get; }
bool IsConnectable { get; }
bool IsDirected { get; }
bool IsScannable { get; }
bool IsScanResponse { get; }
IReference<short> TransmitPowerLevelInDBm { get; }
public enum BluetoothLEAdvertisementType {
Extended = 5,
public sealed class BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher {
bool AllowExtendedAdvertisements { get; set; }
public enum BluetoothLEScanningMode {
None = 2,
namespace Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Background {
public sealed class BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherTriggerDetails {
IReference<short> SelectedTransmitPowerLevelInDBm { get; }
namespace Windows.Devices.Display {
public sealed class DisplayMonitor {
bool IsDolbyVisionSupportedInHdrMode { get; }
namespace Windows.Devices.Input {
public sealed class PenButtonListener
public sealed class PenDockedEventArgs
public sealed class PenDockListener
public sealed class PenTailButtonClickedEventArgs
public sealed class PenTailButtonDoubleClickedEventArgs
public sealed class PenTailButtonLongPressedEventArgs
public sealed class PenUndockedEventArgs
namespace Windows.Devices.Sensors {
public sealed class Accelerometer {
AccelerometerDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
public sealed class AccelerometerDataThreshold
public sealed class Barometer {
BarometerDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
public sealed class BarometerDataThreshold
public sealed class Compass {
CompassDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
public sealed class CompassDataThreshold
public sealed class Gyrometer {
GyrometerDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
public sealed class GyrometerDataThreshold
public sealed class Inclinometer {
InclinometerDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
public sealed class InclinometerDataThreshold
public sealed class LightSensor {
LightSensorDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
public sealed class LightSensorDataThreshold
public sealed class Magnetometer {
MagnetometerDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
public sealed class MagnetometerDataThreshold
namespace Windows.Foundation.Metadata {
public sealed class AttributeNameAttribute : Attribute
public sealed class FastAbiAttribute : Attribute
public sealed class NoExceptionAttribute : Attribute
namespace Windows.Globalization {
public sealed class Language {
string AbbreviatedName { get; }
public static IVector<string> GetMuiCompatibleLanguageListFromLanguageTags(IIterable<string> languageTags);
namespace Windows.Graphics.Capture {
public sealed class GraphicsCaptureSession : IClosable {
bool IsCursorCaptureEnabled { get; set; }
namespace Windows.Graphics.DirectX {
public enum DirectXPixelFormat {
SamplerFeedbackMinMipOpaque = 189,
SamplerFeedbackMipRegionUsedOpaque = 190,
namespace Windows.Graphics.Holographic {
public sealed class HolographicFrame {
HolographicFrameId Id { get; }
public struct HolographicFrameId
public sealed class HolographicFrameRenderingReport
public sealed class HolographicFrameScanoutMonitor : IClosable
public sealed class HolographicFrameScanoutReport
public sealed class HolographicSpace {
HolographicFrameScanoutMonitor CreateFrameScanoutMonitor(uint maxQueuedReports);
namespace Windows.Management.Deployment {
public sealed class AddPackageOptions
public enum DeploymentOptions : uint {
StageInPlace = (uint)4194304,
public sealed class PackageManager {
IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> AddPackageByUriAsync(Uri packageUri, AddPackageOptions options);
IIterable<Package> FindProvisionedPackages();
PackageStubPreference GetPackageStubPreference(string packageFamilyName);
IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> RegisterPackageByNameAsync(string name, RegisterPackageOptions options);
IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> RegisterPackageByUriAsync(Uri manifestUri, RegisterPackageOptions options);
IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> RegisterPackagesByFullNameAsync(IIterable<string> packageFullNames, DeploymentOptions deploymentOptions);
void SetPackageStubPreference(string packageFamilyName, PackageStubPreference useStub);
IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> StagePackageByUriAsync(Uri packageUri, StagePackageOptions options);
public enum PackageStubPreference
public enum PackageTypes : uint {
All = (uint)4294967295,
public sealed class RegisterPackageOptions
public enum RemovalOptions : uint {
PreserveRoamableApplicationData = (uint)128,
public sealed class StagePackageOptions
public enum StubPackageOption
namespace Windows.Media.Audio {
public sealed class AudioPlaybackConnection : IClosable
public sealed class AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResult
public enum AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResultStatus
public enum AudioPlaybackConnectionState
namespace Windows.Media.Capture {
public sealed class MediaCapture : IClosable {
MediaCaptureRelativePanelWatcher CreateRelativePanelWatcher(StreamingCaptureMode captureMode, DisplayRegion displayRegion);
public sealed class MediaCaptureInitializationSettings {
Uri DeviceUri { get; set; }
PasswordCredential DeviceUriPasswordCredential { get; set; }
public sealed class MediaCaptureRelativePanelWatcher : IClosable
namespace Windows.Media.Capture.Frames {
public sealed class MediaFrameSourceInfo {
Panel GetRelativePanel(DisplayRegion displayRegion);
namespace Windows.Media.Devices {
public sealed class PanelBasedOptimizationControl
namespace Windows.Media.MediaProperties {
public static class MediaEncodingSubtypes {
public static string Pgs { get; }
public static string Srt { get; }
public static string Ssa { get; }
public static string VobSub { get; }
public sealed class TimedMetadataEncodingProperties : IMediaEncodingProperties {
public static TimedMetadataEncodingProperties CreatePgs();
public static TimedMetadataEncodingProperties CreateSrt();
public static TimedMetadataEncodingProperties CreateSsa(byte[] formatUserData);
public static TimedMetadataEncodingProperties CreateVobSub(byte[] formatUserData);
namespace Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer {
public sealed class DownloadOperation : IBackgroundTransferOperation, IBackgroundTransferOperationPriority {
void RemoveRequestHeader(string headerName);
void SetRequestHeader(string headerName, string headerValue);
public sealed class UploadOperation : IBackgroundTransferOperation, IBackgroundTransferOperationPriority {
void RemoveRequestHeader(string headerName);
void SetRequestHeader(string headerName, string headerValue);
namespace Windows.Networking.Connectivity {
public enum NetworkAuthenticationType {
Owe = 12,
namespace Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators {
public sealed class NetworkOperatorTetheringAccessPointConfiguration {
TetheringWiFiBand Band { get; set; }
bool IsBandSupported(TetheringWiFiBand band);
IAsyncOperation<bool> IsBandSupportedAsync(TetheringWiFiBand band);
public sealed class NetworkOperatorTetheringManager {
public static void DisableNoConnectionsTimeout();
public static IAsyncAction DisableNoConnectionsTimeoutAsync();
public static void EnableNoConnectionsTimeout();
public static IAsyncAction EnableNoConnectionsTimeoutAsync();
public static bool IsNoConnectionsTimeoutEnabled();
public enum TetheringWiFiBand
namespace Windows.Networking.PushNotifications {
public static class PushNotificationChannelManager {
public static event EventHandler<PushNotificationChannelsRevokedEventArgs> ChannelsRevoked;
public sealed class PushNotificationChannelsRevokedEventArgs
public sealed class RawNotification {
IBuffer ContentBytes { get; }
namespace Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core {
public sealed class WebAccountMonitor {
event TypedEventHandler<WebAccountMonitor, WebAccountEventArgs> AccountPictureUpdated;
namespace Windows.Security.Isolation {
public sealed class IsolatedWindowsEnvironment
public enum IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentActivator
public enum IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAllowedClipboardFormats : uint
public enum IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAvailablePrinters : uint
public enum IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentClipboardCopyPasteDirections : uint
public struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentContract
public struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreateProgress
public sealed class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreateResult
public enum IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreateStatus
public sealed class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentFile
public static class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentHost
public enum IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentHostError
public sealed class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentLaunchFileResult
public enum IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentLaunchFileStatus
public sealed class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOptions
public static class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistration
public sealed class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistrationData
public sealed class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistrationResult
public enum IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistrationStatus
public sealed class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProcess
public enum IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProcessState
public enum IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProgressState
public sealed class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFolderRequestOptions
public sealed class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFolderResult
public enum IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFolderStatus
public sealed class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentStartProcessResult
public enum IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentStartProcessStatus
public sealed class IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentTelemetryParameters
public static class IsolatedWindowsHostMessenger
public delegate void MessageReceivedCallback(Guid receiverId, IVectorView<object> message);
namespace Windows.Storage {
public static class KnownFolders {