Windows 10 Pro FQC- 09127 TR USB.3.0 32-64 BİT

Marka: Microsoft

1,299.00 USD

Windows 10 Pro FQC- 09127 TR USB.3.0 32-64 BİT
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Windows 10 Pro FQC- 09127 TR USB.3.0 32-64 BIT

Boxed USB Product
For personal use
Suitable for commercial
Original Microsoft Product.
Product key can be used with Windows 10 installation.
Windows 10 Versions Features and Comparison Table

Below you can see a table about Windows 10 desktop versions and their main features.

Feature Windows 10 Home Windows 10 Pro Windows 10 Enterprise Windows 10 Education Architecture 32 bit & 64 bit Purchasing & Licensing Model OEM & Retail OEM & Retail & Volume Volume Licensing Volume Licensing N Edition? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Maximum RAM 4GB(32bit) 128GB(64bit) 4GB(32bit) 512(64bit)
Continuum Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cortana Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hardware Device Encryption Yes Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Edge Yes Yes Except LTSB Yes
Microsoft Account Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mobile Device Management Yes Yes Yes Yes
Virtual Desktop Yes Yes Yes Yes
Windows Hello Yes Yes Yes Yes
Assigned Access 8.1 No Yes Yes Yes
BitLocker and EFS No Yes Yes Yes
Business Storage No Yes Yes Yes
Current Branch for Business (CBB) No Yes Yes Yes
Domain Membership & Group Policy Management No Yes Yes Yes
Enterprise Data Protection No Yes Yes Yes
Enterprise Mode Internet Explorer (EMIE) No Yes Yes Yes
Hyper-V No 64bit Only 64bit 64bit Only
Azure AD Membership No Yes Yes Yes
Private Catalog No Yes Yes Yes
Remote Desktop Connection Only Client Client & Host Client & Host Client & Host
Windows Update for Business No Yes Yes Yes
AppLocker No No Yes Yes
BranchCache No No Yes Yes
Credential Guard No No Yes Yes
Device Guard No No Yes Yes
DirectAccess No No Yes Yes
Start Screen Control (via GPO) No No Yes Yes
User Experience Control No No Yes Yes
Windows To Go No No Yes Yes
Long Term Servicing Branch (LTSB) No No Yes No
In-Place Upgrade from Pro to Enterprise No Yes Yes No
In-Place Upgrade from Home or Pro to Education Yes Yes No Yes
Feature Windows 10 Home Windows 10 Pro Windows 10 Enterprise Windows 10 Education

Other Features
Stock Code WIN1
Brand Windows
Stock Status Yes WINDOWS 10 PRO FQC
Windows 10 Pro OEM download is a personal computer operating system developed and published by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems.  It was released on July 29, 2015.  Windows 10 Pro OEM download is the first version of Windows to receive ongoing feature updates.

Windows 10 Pro OEM is designed to be compatible with your devices’ hardware, software, and other peripherals you already own.

Owners of 64-bit PCs and tablets running Windows 10 Professional as their operating system can now purchase this license from many online retailers (mostly electronics and technology stores). New Once you have your Windows license, it will be delivered to you within minutes via electronic delivery.

Windows 10 has been widely accepted in a positive light and has been hailed by many as a return to form for Microsoft. This was not affected by Windows 8, which was not very well received there. With Windows 8 One of the most common complaints about ??was the removal of the Start screen.

The menu has made a comeback and is back in Windows 10. The design of this current operating system takes the best features of Windows 7 as well as Windows 8 and shapes it into an operating system that does a much better job of bridging the PC More space between your 's and tablets than Windows 8.

Windows 10 Professional also looks similar to the Home version, but also has many new additional features for your business.  Please note that this is a license for the 64-bit version of Windows Professional and is a MUST and it is important to note that it can only be installed on 64-bit machines.

It is important to check your system specifications before purchasing this as the operating system will unfortunately not work on 32-bit computers. Orders are fulfilled within 30 minutes during normal business hours.  After purchase, you will receive a license activation code as well as You'll also get a link to Microsoft's Media Creation Tool for Windows 10 Professional.

Combining the strengths of Windows 8 and Windows 7 Pro editions, you get a familiar operating system with a hybrid Start Menu that includes your important content and frequently used programs. You can pin applications and favorites so they are ready and waiting for you.

Microsoft Edge The web browser allows you to write or type notes directly on web pages and share them with others. Additionally, it allows you to read online articles without distraction and save your favorite websites.

Keep up to four apps in place so you can see all open tasks in one view. You can even create virtual desktops when you need more space or want to group apps or objects by project.

All your purchases on every Windows 10 device are visible in the Windows Store. Access apps, games, music, movies, and TV shows from your compatible PC, tablet, or smartphone.

When your virtual digital personal assistant is activated, you get instant access to important tasks with Cortana. She learns over time to better help you accomplish your tasks by providing reminders at the right time and place.

In addition to using a keyboard and mouse, Windows 10 supports touch capabilities so you can type, tap, and swipe your work.

Continuum lets you easily switch from mouse and keyboard to touchscreen, tailoring the operating system to handle each scenario more efficiently. Simply plug in or unplug your peripheral and select your mode from a pop-up prompt. When you only want touchscreen support, all apps go full screen and you can use gestures to navigate. When you switch back to desktop mode with mouse and keyboard, apps return to desktop windows and navigate more efficiently with the keyboard and mouse. You can even connect your Windows 10 smartphone to an external monitor for a desktop-like experience.

With an optional Xbox Live Gold membership, you can stream and play a select number of games from your Xbox One directly to your Windows 10 PC. Other features include the ability to record gameplay and compete against console players in supported games.

Windows 10 Pro comes with built-in apps like Maps, Photos, Mail & Calendar, Music & Video. These apps use Microsoft OneDrive to back up your information and seamlessly sync across your Windows 10 devices, so you’re never far from what you need.

Domain Join
Group Policy Management
Enterprise Mode Internet Explorer (EMIE)
Delegated Access 8.1
Remote Desktop
Client Hyper-V
Direct Access
Ability to join Azure Active Directory with single sign-on for cloud-hosted applications
Business Store for Windows 10
Enterprise Data Protection
Windows Update for Business
Current Business Branch

Ürün Fiyatı : 1,299.00 USD
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