26.36 USD
Terminator: Resistance is an authoritative first-person shooter set during the "Future War" seen in famous films such as James Cameron, "THE TERMINATOR" and "T2: JUDGMENT DAY".
This story takes place in a dystopian Los Angeles some 30 years after Judgment Day and stars Jacob Rivers, a new saint fresh out of the box in the Terminator universe, a warrior in the Resistance led by John Connor. Jacob is a humble soldier, but he soon realizes that he is clearly focused on the latest threat from Skynet and is leaving until the end!
Skynet may be doomed to lose the war, but what price Jacob? Experience the events that lead to the decisive final battle for the fate of humanity in the war against the machines!
Choose what kind of activity saint you want to be! Stock up on an epic weapon stockpile to run and shoot or sneak up and kill in stray situations! The world is not as forgiving as it used to be, so you will need to discover the assets that will allow you to get out. If you can’t find what you are looking for, then you better do it yourself.
Change the fate of humanity! Provide a diverse group of survivors, each with their own inspiration and background. The moves you make throughout the game will affect their durability and change the closure you get.
Go up against the machines! Fight against a selection of infamous enemies from the movies, including the T-800, as a large group of enemies that remain intact in the Terminator universe!
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Portuguese (Brazil)
File size:
17.52 GB